You, The Family Leader

The concept of “family” looks different for each person, but leadership within families is a critical part of our life path and it stays with us as we strive towards wholeness.  

Think about it

the family unit is where many of us first practice leadership.

It marks the shift where we move beyond caring for ourselves and Family leadership (however you understand family) is a critical part of our life journey to wholeness.  It is where we first practice our leadership skills.  It cultivates our shift from caring only for ourselves as we expand our consciousness to include the well-being of others.  How we first learned to be led and to lead begins…at home. Understanding how these positive and negative relationships shaped us reveals much about your leadership styles, which is why our second session digs deeper into the beginning of your story.

Family helps us mirror the qualities that shape our becoming whole.  It is these positive and negative relationships that reveals our leadership style.    

In this session, we help you understand your  we craft our family story with questions such as:

·      What values did your family model for you as a child? 

·      Are these values you have developed in adulthood or have you cultivated a new narrative?   

·      What life experiences shaped who you are becoming?

·      What does family look like to you today? 

·      Are you creating the family life you imagined?

·       What tools and resources do you need to lead a more confident, engaged family? 

·      What does it mean to lead your family to thriving and well-being? 

Our goal is to help you understand where you came from, where you are going, and where you want to be with your closest relationships. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.