ORGL-501: Methods of Organizational Research

Expected Competencies:

1) Crafting a well-defined and focused research topic: Identifying a specific area of interest and formulating a clear, concise research question. This competency involves the ability to narrow down broad topics into manageable research questions that can be effectively explored within the constraints of a study. It requires understanding the significance of the topic, its relevance to existing literature, and its potential contribution to the field.

2) Effectively analyzing and synthesizing primary research articles: Extracting relevant information, critically evaluating research methodologies and findings, and integrating multiple sources to form a cohesive understanding. This competency entails the skill to read and comprehend primary research articles, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and synthesize information from various sources to support arguments or develop new insights.

3) Proficiently utilizing relevant theoretical models or approaches: Applying appropriate theoretical frameworks or methodologies to guide research design and data analysis. This competency involves selecting and applying theoretical models or approaches that align with the research topic and objectives. It requires understanding the underlying principles of different theories and knowing how to apply them effectively in research contexts.

4) Streamlining and narrowing the scope of literature and research topics: Identifying key themes and trends within the literature, and focusing on specific aspects relevant to the research question. This competency involves the ability to navigate through extensive literature and identify relevant studies while excluding irrelevant ones. It requires critical thinking to determine which aspects of the literature are most pertinent to the research topic and how to focus the study accordingly.

5) Formulating sound research rationales and questions: Providing clear justifications for the research study, outlining its significance, and posing relevant research questions. This competency involves articulating the rationale behind the research, explaining why it is important and timely, and formulating research questions that address specific gaps or issues identified in the literature.

6) Developing proficiency in relevant research methods: Mastering appropriate research methodologies, techniques, and tools to collect and analyze data. This competency encompasses understanding various research methods (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods), selecting the most suitable approach for the research question, and demonstrating proficiency in executing the chosen methods effectively.

7) Writing scholarly papers following American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines: Adhering to APA style standards for formatting, citation, and referencing in academic writing. This competency involves following the guidelines outlined by the APA Publication Manual to ensure clarity, consistency, and accuracy in scholarly writing. It includes correctly formatting manuscripts, citing sources appropriately, and compiling reference lists according to APA standards.

Achieved Competencies:

1. Literature Review: I have learned how to conduct a thorough literature review, identifying gaps in existing research and recognizing the importance of further exploration in specific areas, such as servant-leadership in healthcare settings like neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).

2. Understanding of Servant-Leadership: Through studying the paper's content, I gained a clear understanding of servant-leadership principles and their potential application in various contexts, particularly in healthcare environments like NICUs.

3. Research Rationale: I have developed the ability to articulate a strong rationale for research studies, emphasizing the significance of investigating specific topics and addressing gaps in current knowledge, as demonstrated in the paper's discussion on the impact of servant-leadership on NICU care delivery.

4. Research Questions: I have learned how to formulate clear and focused research questions that guide the direction of a study, as evidenced by the paper's research questions aimed at exploring the relationship between servant-leadership and patient outcomes in NICUs.

5. Methodology: Through studying the paper's methodology section, I have gained insights into different research methodologies and their applications, such as qualitative phenomenological case study approaches, surveys, and interviews, to gather data effectively and ensure research rigor

6. Ethical Considerations: The paper highlights the importance of ethical considerations in research, such as obtaining informed consent, ensuring participant confidentiality, and recognizing potential psychological impacts on research participants. This has helped me understand the ethical responsibilities involved in conducting research, particularly in sensitive environments like NICUs.

Overall, studying the content provided in the paper has enhanced my competencies in conducting literature reviews, formulating research questions, selecting appropriate methodologies, and considering ethical implications in research design and implementation.

Applied Competencies:

The completion of the research proposal demonstrates proficiency in several key competencies essential for scholarly inquiry. Firstly, the ability to craft a well-defined and focused research topic is evident through the identification of a specific area of interest and the formulation of a clear, concise research question. This competency involves the skill to narrow down broad topics into manageable research questions that align with the significance of the topic, its relevance to existing literature, and its potential contribution to the field.

Secondly, effective analysis and synthesis of primary research articles are demonstrated through the extraction of relevant information, critical evaluation of research methodologies and findings, and integration of multiple sources to form a cohesive understanding. This involves reading and comprehending primary research articles, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and synthesizing information to support arguments or develop new insights.

Proficient utilization of relevant theoretical models or approaches is showcased by applying appropriate frameworks or methodologies to guide research design and data analysis. This includes selecting and applying theoretical models aligned with the research topic and objectives, understanding the principles of different theories, and applying them effectively in research contexts.

Additionally, streamlining and narrowing the scope of literature and research topics are evident through the identification of key themes and trends within the literature and focusing on specific aspects relevant to the research question. This involves navigating through extensive literature, identifying relevant studies, and excluding irrelevant ones, while critically determining which aspects of the literature are most pertinent to the research topic.

Furthermore, formulating sound research rationales and questions is demonstrated by providing clear justifications for the research study, outlining its significance, and posing relevant research questions that address specific gaps or issues identified in the literature.

Moreover, proficiency in relevant research methods is displayed through mastering appropriate methodologies, techniques, and tools to collect and analyze data. This encompasses understanding various research methods, selecting the most suitable approach for the research question, and demonstrating proficiency in executing the chosen methods effectively.

Lastly, writing scholarly papers following American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines is showcased by adhering to APA style standards for formatting, citation, and referencing in academic writing. This involves following guidelines outlined by the APA Publication Manual to ensure clarity, consistency, and accuracy in scholarly writing, including correctly formatting manuscripts, citing sources appropriately, and compiling reference lists according to APA standards.

Artifact Inclusion:

Research Abstract:

Over 15 million babies are born prematurely each year worldwide. Prematurity is defined as a birth that occurs before 37 weeks gestation ("Preterm Birth," 2014). In the United States, 11.4% (1 in 9 babies), or a total of 450,000 births occur each year ("Home | March of Dimes," n.d.). Premature birth can lead to lifelong developmental challenges including difficulty in school or work, long-term medical issues, and socio-psychological issues. In fiscal terms, it costs society $26 billion dollars per year ("Home | March of Dimes," n.d.).

Families who have had a child in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are at higher risk for anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and depression (Cleveland, 2008). Studies show families who receive emotional support, parent empowerment, a welcoming neonatal environment, and parent education with an opportunity to practice through guided participation are better equipped to care for a medically fragile infant following NICU hospitalization (Cleveland, 2008). All of the previously listed tenets reflect the various principles of servant-leadership.

Servant-leadership is an organizational philosophy in which, "a servant-leader may be defined as a leader whose primary purpose for leading is to serve others by investing in their development and well-being for the benefit of accomplishing tasks and goals for the common good" (Page & Wong, n.a.). By incorporating servant-leadership characteristics in a NICU setting and modeling behaviors familiar to the servant-leadership paradigm, families and caregivers will not only have task-oriented tools in caring for a medically fragile infant but also transformational and interpersonal skills of individual and familial development.

The focus of my research is to conduct a qualitative phenomenological study examining care delivery in a NICU through a lens of servant-leadership. This qualitative research will provide a baseline for future exploration of the impact that the various tenets of servant-leadership play in the experience of families whose child is served in critical care environments such as a neonatal intensive care unit.


Course Level:

Association, A. P. (Ed.). (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed.). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Eriksson, P., & Kovalainen, A. (2008). Qualitative methods in business research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Fink, A. (2010). Conducting research literature reviews: From the Internet to paper. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Griffin, E. A. (2006). A first look at communication theory. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Neuman, W. L. (2012). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.

Rubin, R. B., Rubin, A. M., & Hardidakis, P. (2010). Communication research: Strategies and sources. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Pub.

Research Proposal:

Anderson, R. J., M.D. (n.d.). Building hospital-physician relationships through servant

leadership. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 20(2), 43-47. Retrieved

February 6, 2015.
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. (2012). Retrieved February 15, 2015, from Being a servant leader. (2012, July).

Brewster, P. L. (2001). Servant leadership - it's time to return to our origin. MGMA Connexion, 14-16. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Cleveland, L. M. (2008). Parenting in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 37(6), 666-691. doi:10.1111/j.1552-6909.2008.00288.x

Congratulations to Bill Schwab, MD ~ Recipient of the 2015 STFM Gold Humanism Award. (2015, February 12). Retrieved February 15, 2015, from

Dolan, T. (2013). Aspirations of a servant leader. Healthcare Executive, 31-38. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Garber, J. S., Madigan, E. A., Click, E. R., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2009). Attitudes towards collaboration and servant leadership among nurses, physicians and residents. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(4), 331-340. doi:10.1080/13561820902886253

Home | March of Dimes. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2015, from

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Huckabee, M. J., Ph.D, & Wheeler, D. W., Ph.D. (2011). Physician assistants as servant leaders: Meeting the needs of the underserved. The Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 22(4), 6-14. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

James, E. A., Slater, T., & Bucknam, A. (2012). Action research for business, nonprofit, & public administration: A tool for complex times. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Mahon, K. (2011). In praise of servant leadership - horizontal service to others. Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses, 22(4), 5-6. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Mueller, C. D. (2011). Servant Leadership: The Way Forward? Health Progress, 21-25. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Neill, M., Hayward, K. S., & Peterson, T. (2007). Students' perceptions of the interprofessional team in practice through the application of servant leadership principles. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21(4), 425-432. doi:10.1080/13561820701443512

Neill, M. W., EdD, & Saunders, N. S., RN, MN. (2008). Servant leadership: Enhancing quality of care and staff satisfaction. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(9), 395-400. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Preterm birth. (2014, November). Retrieved January 21, 2015, from

Robinson, F. P. (2009). Servant Teaching: The Power and Promise for Nursing Education. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 6(1). doi:10.2202/1548-923X.1699

Research Proposal: Servant-leadership Paradigm In NICU Page 15 Cascamo

Rodriguez, J. C. (2010). Servant Leadership: Helping People Make Wise Choices. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 110(6), 831. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2010.04.021

Schwartz, R. W., & Tumblin, T. F., Ph.D. (2002). The Power of Servant Leadership to Transform Health Care Organizations for the 21st-Century Economy. Archives of Surgery, 137(12), 1419-1427. doi:10.1001/archsurg.137.12.1419

Spears, L. C. (1995). Reflections on leadership: How Robert K. Greenleaf's theory of Servant-leadership influenced today's top management thinkers. New York: J. Wiley.

Trastek, V. F., M.D., Hamilton, N. W., J.D., & Niles, E. E., B.S., J.D. (2014). Leadership models in health care - a case for servant leadership. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 89(3), 374-381. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Waterman, H. (2011). Principles of ‘servant leadership’ and how they can enhance practice. Nursing Management, 17(9), 24-26. doi:10.7748/nm2011.

Waterman, H. (2011). Principles of ‘servant leadership’ and how they can enhance practice. Nursing Management, 17(9), 24-26. doi:10.7748/nm2011.

Yanofchick, B. (2007). Servant leadership: Bring it home. Health Progress, 88(5), 6-7. Retrieved February 6, 2015.

Key Words:

Premature; NICU; Servant-leadership; Neonatal; Phenomenological; Qualitative; Organizational; Outcomes; Ethical; Survey; Interview; Research; Nurse; Patient; Study